Monday, July 29, 2019

The level of interest within Generation Y towards social network Essay

The level of interest within Generation Y towards social network marketing - Essay Example This study would further help marketers to understand the tools that would work for both generations and how to effectively target these generations. The research would also be helpful for the developers of SNSs as it would provide them with an insight towards the users and the needs of the market. They would then be able to develop or modify their social network according to the needs of the target market. This may even help in developing a better SNS and its business end. Social Networking has become the greatest trend in the last few decades. People from all generations are linking with their friends and families through social networking. In this respect, social networking provides a great opportunity for marketers to target all kinds of generations and specifically Generation Y. Generation Y is the generation that was born between 1978 and 1991. This generation is also known as the Net Generation on account on their frequent use of the internet. Generation Y has been recorded as the greatest users of social networking with Generation X slowly catching up. Generation X is the generation born between the early 1960s and the early 1980s. Generation Y has been brought up at a time when technology was at its peak and thus this Generation grew up with the Internet. This was a reason that Generation Y was quick to get addicted to social networks. They even developed social networks in the form of Facebook and quickly became every day users. Generation Y saw these sites as a way of presenting them selves and their opinions. They made maximum use of the features of social networks by uploading pictures, videos, comments, tweets, status etc in order to connect with their friends. Generation Y remains connected with their friends through these networks and even relies on these friends to guide them in their purchasing decisions. Generation X, on the other hand, was not the initial users of social networks but being flexible, they quickly adopted the trend. Generation X’s usage of social networks has grown rapidly in the last few years as this generation uses social networks mainly to maintain their connection with their friends and family and also to remain updated with the latest trends. In order to target this generation, marketers have to rely on honesty since honesty sells for this generation. This generation demands respect from their brands and loyalty is earned through consistent performance. 1.2 Significance of the Study The growing popularity of social networking sites (SNSs)

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