Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Australia Helps Refugees Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How Australia Helps Refugees - Research Paper Example According to the DIAC’s official map dealing with the organization of detention centers, Australia uses two systems of welcoming refugees. Offshore clients involve eligible people who get guaranteed the chance to apply for protected status in the country. If approved, the Australian state further awards permanent protection to the individuals, which include the provision of visa. If the individuals play within the laws of Australia, they get accorded full citizenship a factor, which transforms refugees into citizens of Australia. The maritime system, on the other hand, is for refugees who apply for protection from the Australian government after stepping on their soil. It involves irregular maritime apprehensions in the last several years as shown in detention centers such as Sydney, Perth, Christmas Island and Melbourne not forgetting Darwin. Australia refugee policy got stipulated on 24 may 1977 by Mr. Mackler who outlined various principles guiding the humanitarian act.   For instance, under the principles, the country recognizes refugees as people who need help and support, but at the same time hold the decision to help them within the government. Furthermore, one of the principles stipulates that assistance gets provided to refugees once they are designated plans for resettlement. Consequently, the country contributes to the United Nation Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It is indispensable to remember that the proponent policy got formulated at a time when Australia was facing a surge of refugees from the war of Vietnam. Considering the sensitivity and the amount of information the project holds, a sensible time is needed to conduct research. The first week of the intensive two-week research involves gathering data from books and other publications. The second week involves carrying out interviews in the relevant departments. This is to ascertain data from books as well as acquire new information helpful in the research. It is also in the week that the research paper gets compiled for submission.

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