Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jose Rizal and his Nationalism Essay

Jose Rizal was idealistic, who wants to free his countrymen from ignorance, exploitation and discrimination. With the use of his works and writings especially his novels – Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, he reveals to his people their experiences and sufferings, sufferings which he brought to light in an effort to awaken his countrymen to the truths that had long remained unspoken, although not totally unheard of. He showed to his people their sufferings friars and civil authorities, how the friars whom were guilty of bribery and corruption had made of the Catholic religion an instrument of domination and had prostituted it with exterior practices which foster the appearance of worship. The friars also enriched themselves not only by exhorting excessive fees for church services, but also by unjust acquisition of land estates. They made themselves feared by civil officials. They enjoy priorities over high government officials whose tenure of office they can control. The government itself sees nothing, hears nothing, and decides nothing except what the parish priests makes it see, hear, and decide. And the civil guards do not protect the citizens like they supposed to but protect the interests of the friars and the Spaniards only. The priests controlled also the acts of the ignorant natives and threatened the indios’ heads with excommunication for the slightest sign of disrespect and disobedience. Many Filipinos had become victims of human indignities. They were deprived of their right. They had no right to question authority – they were born only to serve. But Rizal did not put the blame entirely on the religious and civil authorities; he also honestly showed the weaknesses and defects of the Filipinos. The people themselves, by their timidity, fear, and cowardice had shackled their minds and debased their souls. Contaminated by the airs of superiority of the Spaniards, despise their own countrymen and make themselves ridiculous with their pretensions at false imitation. Rizal criticized this, the unspoken embarrassments of the natives for their own ancestry, and aspires to become a Spaniard to leave behind any trace of Filipino in them and then boasts to everyone. With that they gradually allowed the Spaniards to enslave them. As Rizal often said, â€Å"there are no tyrants where there are no slaves†. And that Rizal wanted to vindicate his race from the insults and prejudices upon the Filipinos, and that his people were not an anthropoid race, as the Spaniard asserted. Although Filipinos have some vices and defects, the same with other people in the world, they are not those which the Spanish writers attribute them – that there is no stimulus to worth or to merit. On the contrary, when Filipinos rise above heap they are ridiculed and made the object of mockery unless they serve the friars. Many Filipinos are persecuted in false conspiracies or exiled from their towns for standing up for their rights. Rizal wanted to bring back the pride in Filipino ancestors, a necessary component in the formation of national consciousness, and answer criticisms against Filipinos and their culture. He disproved the Spaniards and showed that the past of the Philippines already had a developed culture. Rizal in all effort tried to convince the Spanish government that there was an urgent need for reforms in the society in the government, and in the Catholic church of the Philippines. And that violence is not the preferred solution and it should come about peacefully and sensibly and that one great solution is education. He tried to show that there was no rebellion or revolution in the Philippines, but there would be, if the abuses and excesses of the friars and the administration push the Filipinos to their limit.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Differences between Men and Women

Oftentimes, the difference between men and women is classified as two different cultures that can never be connected with each other. The statement that â€Å"men are from Mars and women are from Venus† had been the favorite phrase to define the difference between the two sexes. Aside from biological differences of men and women, there are also many distinctions that limit the two sexes to deeply understand each gender. Apparently, the society has been living in a world with full of issues in masculinity and femininity.The physical difference between men and women has gone to many conclusions and argumentations that these two gender also have differences in characters and personalities. The men’s ego to achieve their goals by themselves as a symbol of competence and power has been recognized by the society even in the earlier centuries. The emotional detachment of men has been the first in the list of complains of women toward them. Masculinity has been defined as a sen se of pride for the cluster of the society who provides the economic well being of the family.If women are known for their ability to talk about anything, men rarely talk about their problems and emotions. On the other hand, women are described based on all the exact opposites of the characteristics of men. Beauty, communication, love, and relationships are only few of the things that women value too much. If men are emotionally detached, the quality of relationships reflects the feelings and emotional side of women. Men’s great concern is the financial status; however women concern more on physical attractiveness and the quality of relationship that they would invest with their loved ones.For men, money and career reflects their masculinity, women viewed these issues as rejection of men to them and their relationships with women. The greatest challenge for women’s lives is to maintain their sense of self while expanding out to serve the needs of other people. This rol e of women makes this gender good mothers, partners, and peers. The care for others is the strongest trait of female. Men, on the other hand, tend to act, think, and feel in a way that expresses themselves as the primary and the other people as secondary only. (Evatt 16)In Deborah Tannen’s Genderlect Styles Theory, she states that â€Å"male and female conversation is a cross-cultural communication†. According to her, men are focused on status while women are focused on connection. This two different perceptions drive men and women apart and most of the time causes conflicts for both gender. Tannen suggests that men and women are from diverse cultures that cannot understand each other. In order to understand the theory better, Tannen gives five major areas to explain the difference between men and women. In her theory, she explains that men and women deal with things differently.Men tend to defend their masculinity in public and always aim to win the conversation but a ppear to be uncomfortable in speaking in private. Disclosure of feelings would take a long time for men, and women oftentimes initiate the disclosure. In contrast, women are reserved in public but more comfortable in intimate settings. (â€Å"Communication Theory†, 2008) In telling a story, men would narrate a story wherein they are the hero, but women would rather tell a story about other people. In some instance, men would tell a joke but women would narrate a story wherein they act foolish and let them put themselves on the level of the listeners.In other words, women always consider other people while men focus on themselves alone. Even in private conversation, the way men and women deal with the situation. Active listening and cooperative overlapping are women’s way to treat the speaker so as to encourage and agree with that person. Men oftentimes regard an interruption to have power over the speaker in the conversation. Men use silence as a weapon and power over the people that they are communicating with. Moreover, women ask questions to build a rapport or connection but men would refuse to ask for other people’s help because they consider asking as a form of verbal sparing.Women consider conflicts as threat to relationships, however men consider them as normal scene in the world that is full of competition. Gender differences have become a discourse between men and women. The idea that men are fundamentally different from women has become an important thought for the society that recognizes the all the gender issues. These differences have brought the two genders to two different planets that can never be merged into one. The society has formed a vast gender gap because of the stereotype judgment that men often seek for power while women always seek for connection.In most aspects, men and women are considered as fundamentally different from each other. Apparently, the stereotype judgment toward each gender has passed from generatio n to generation. However, this gender issues, according to genderlect styles theory can be resolved if the two different genders would try to understand each others language. The differences are human nature of both sexes and those can be understood if they are willing to learn each others’ characteristics. Oftentimes, social and political factors are neglected in analyzing why men often seek for power and women always care for others.Caring for others has been a connotation for women, but the society sometimes overlooks the effort that men do for other people too. The gender distinctions have grown to be a societal conflict and apparently gave men and women names to be acted upon. The typecasting has been the society’s basis to address a gender and assess the personality only based on what the culture has formed toward both sexes. The other factors in the society provide an underlying explanation why men and women act and talk the way they do. The power that has been associated for men is sometimes the goal of women for competing in the male and female society.The people often recognize the boundary between the two sexes but fail to search for the possible solutions to overcome the gender distinctions. Apparently, the society fails to recognize the other factors that cause men and women to act like what they have expected that makes the gender conflicts bigger. The stereotype that women are oppressed because their only function is to provide domestic services for other people may also open their minds and awaken the society that this role of women give them a total independence because they could work for other that make them whole as women.Perhaps men have found the happiness through achievements in the world of competition and would learn respect for the neglected dimensions of caring for others and concern for their partners. Women may have found ways to celebrate their femininity by caring for others and building a rapport for a quality rela tionship while men have found ways to guard their masculinity by having constant achievements and providing economic well being for their families.As a whole, men and women have differences that cannot be understood by the minds that have a strong belief about the incurable gender distinctions. However, these differences can also create a perfect connection instead of gap that provides a wall between the two sexes. Apparently, men and women have created with special tasks to perform and these fundamental differences are possessed in order to perfectly play their roles in this world. Languages and cultures can be learned as well as the gender distinctions that have been a societal issue in the world that is full of stereotype and typecasting.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The level of interest within Generation Y towards social network Essay

The level of interest within Generation Y towards social network marketing - Essay Example This study would further help marketers to understand the tools that would work for both generations and how to effectively target these generations. The research would also be helpful for the developers of SNSs as it would provide them with an insight towards the users and the needs of the market. They would then be able to develop or modify their social network according to the needs of the target market. This may even help in developing a better SNS and its business end. Social Networking has become the greatest trend in the last few decades. People from all generations are linking with their friends and families through social networking. In this respect, social networking provides a great opportunity for marketers to target all kinds of generations and specifically Generation Y. Generation Y is the generation that was born between 1978 and 1991. This generation is also known as the Net Generation on account on their frequent use of the internet. Generation Y has been recorded as the greatest users of social networking with Generation X slowly catching up. Generation X is the generation born between the early 1960s and the early 1980s. Generation Y has been brought up at a time when technology was at its peak and thus this Generation grew up with the Internet. This was a reason that Generation Y was quick to get addicted to social networks. They even developed social networks in the form of Facebook and quickly became every day users. Generation Y saw these sites as a way of presenting them selves and their opinions. They made maximum use of the features of social networks by uploading pictures, videos, comments, tweets, status etc in order to connect with their friends. Generation Y remains connected with their friends through these networks and even relies on these friends to guide them in their purchasing decisions. Generation X, on the other hand, was not the initial users of social networks but being flexible, they quickly adopted the trend. Generation X’s usage of social networks has grown rapidly in the last few years as this generation uses social networks mainly to maintain their connection with their friends and family and also to remain updated with the latest trends. In order to target this generation, marketers have to rely on honesty since honesty sells for this generation. This generation demands respect from their brands and loyalty is earned through consistent performance. 1.2 Significance of the Study The growing popularity of social networking sites (SNSs)

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Famous Artworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Famous Artworks - Essay Example The second artwork’s subject matter is also about a woman. Comparing it to Masaccio’s The Expulsion of Adamant Eve, the focus could be the facial expressions of the women in the two artworks. From Masaccio’s title of his artwork, it is understood why Eve had such a burdened facial expression. She was actually crying and was so full of remorse that she was expelled from the Garden of Eden. The second artwork on the other hand, shows a woman who seems to have seen something she was afraid of. In conclusion, considering the two artworks, it could be said that the artists tried to portray emotion through their subjects. The third artwork and Boticelli’s Primavera also hold the same subject matter, a beautiful woman. Boticelli uses flowers to accentuate the beauty of his subject and he uses fine lines to give more detail to the features of the woman. The beautiful hair of the woman was brought to life by thin, continuous lines and her lips, nose and other parts of her face are made realistic by the thick brush strokes. The colors of the flowers add to the beauty of the painting and emphasize even more the beholding features of the woman. On the other hand, the third artwork simply depicts the beauty of the woman by concentrating on the subject. Obviously, thin lines were used to define the contours of the woman’s face while thicker brush strokes were used on her hair to bring about a beautiful curly hair.The fourth image portrays another woman who is not looking directly at the painter. but seems to be looking to a distance at an angle from the painter’s view. The veil suggests that the woman is a religious figure. Whatever the circular background is, it seems to have been deliberately used to make it look like a halo around the woman’s head, a figure often used in to portray religious meanings, making her look even more like a heroin with a mission to accomplish. In Raphael’s Galatea, the subject features a si milar facial expression. The woman in the painting is also looking, not at the artist, but towards heaven. This suggests her being a religious figure as well and she is actually a mythical figure that (Addison). Moreover, Galatea is known to be a woman with fair complexion and this feature is obvious in the two artworks. Van der Veyden’s Portrait of a Woman and Portrait of a Lady both share the same subject matter as well. The artist used many similarities as well aside from the subject matter such as the veil, the colors and the use of geometric figures. Both women used veils which suggest the cultural background of the models as well as the era of the art. The veils also are used to bring about the inclination of the artist to use geometric figures in his work (Kren & Marx). In

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Australia Helps Refugees Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How Australia Helps Refugees - Research Paper Example According to the DIAC’s official map dealing with the organization of detention centers, Australia uses two systems of welcoming refugees. Offshore clients involve eligible people who get guaranteed the chance to apply for protected status in the country. If approved, the Australian state further awards permanent protection to the individuals, which include the provision of visa. If the individuals play within the laws of Australia, they get accorded full citizenship a factor, which transforms refugees into citizens of Australia. The maritime system, on the other hand, is for refugees who apply for protection from the Australian government after stepping on their soil. It involves irregular maritime apprehensions in the last several years as shown in detention centers such as Sydney, Perth, Christmas Island and Melbourne not forgetting Darwin. Australia refugee policy got stipulated on 24 may 1977 by Mr. Mackler who outlined various principles guiding the humanitarian act.   For instance, under the principles, the country recognizes refugees as people who need help and support, but at the same time hold the decision to help them within the government. Furthermore, one of the principles stipulates that assistance gets provided to refugees once they are designated plans for resettlement. Consequently, the country contributes to the United Nation Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It is indispensable to remember that the proponent policy got formulated at a time when Australia was facing a surge of refugees from the war of Vietnam. Considering the sensitivity and the amount of information the project holds, a sensible time is needed to conduct research. The first week of the intensive two-week research involves gathering data from books and other publications. The second week involves carrying out interviews in the relevant departments. This is to ascertain data from books as well as acquire new information helpful in the research. It is also in the week that the research paper gets compiled for submission.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Servant Leadership in the Bible Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Servant Leadership in the Bible - Dissertation Example The Holy Quran also portrays the leader of the people as the servant who should work to satisfy the people rather than be the master commanding them. The religious connotation looks at leadership in this form as being a part of the self-actualization factor as noted in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Joseph & Winston, 2005). Â  Robert Greenleaf saw a servant leader as the person who acted as a servant first (Parris, & Peachey, 2013). The individual does not begin acting as a leader if deep within the urge to serve is absent (Gonzaga, 2005). The main idea should be to create new platforms that will make it easier to serve the people and make a conscious choice to administer as it appears based on the autonomy required for the growth of the individual’s satisfaction (Gardner, Cogliser, Davis, & Dickens, 2011). This test is administered in harder situations where the difficulty tests the leader’s ability to come up with better means of dealing with failures as well as the relationship between leaders and workers (Kernis, & Goldman, 2006). Greenleaf argues that the deep-seated need and desire to serve others provides the core need for one to be a servant. Servant leaders have the natural feeling that emanates from this desire (Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wernsing, & Peterson, 2008). It can be c reated by making conscious aspirations and sticking the core attributes that define the way this can happen without losing track of the benefits derived from such an action. Most of these benefits are intrinsic (van Dierendonck, 2011). Â  The paradoxical nature of servant and leadership is not to be missed. When Jesus was washing the disciple’s feet, they were apprehensive of this act (Kool &van Dierendonck, 2012). They wanted to be the ones doing the washing and not Jesus.

National Training Framework and Vocational Education and Training Term Paper

National Training Framework and Vocational Education and Training Workplace - Term Paper Example Vocational teachers, for the most part--and certainly those who teach in trade, industrial, manufacturing and health occupations programs--did not (and do not today) have to follow the same teacher preparation or state certification rules as did other public school teachers. Throughout the 75-year history of federally supported vocational education, occupational teachers were employed primarily because they had years of extensive experience in a craft or profession--such as auto mechanic, cosmetologist, medical technician, carpenter, nurse, electrician or mason. When college degrees were deemed a minimal requirement for teachers in most states and in most subjects, vocational education was granted an exception. In effect, then, vocational and technical education always has had a nontraditional or alternative approach to preparing and certifying its teaching force. This is an approach that dates to 1917, promulgated by Charles Prosser, the first administrative director of the board, who believed that teachers trade experience would correlate with student outcomes. Today, some vocational-technical educators subscribe to that philosophy, while others lean more toward John Dewey, who promoted a more general education to prepare teachers to help students ready themselves for a lifetime of learning and change. A way of approaching (vocational) training that places primary emphasis on what a person can do as a result of training (the outcome), and as such represents a shift away from an emphasis on the process involved in training (the inputs). It is concerned with training to industry-specific standards rather than an individuals achievement relative to others in the group. (Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1992)Â  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Higher Education in England Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Higher Education in England - Term Paper Example Higher Education Institutions make significant contributions to the local economy, directly through the labor market and, indirectly, through student spending in the community, and also contribute to the social and cultural life of their regions through support for minority communities, theatre, cinema, and the arts. The higher education sector consists of some 170 institutions catering to a rich diversity of students from both local as well as overseas. The student body is growing in size and character with an increase of over 39% between 1995 and 2003 to a current total of 2.2 million students. Such growth is unprecedented and has been managed against a steadily declining unit of resource for teaching which only leveled off in 2002. Unprecedented increases in the teaching function have presented universities with a range of financial and academic challenges during the last decade and have stimulated widespread curriculum renewal, new modes of teaching and learning, and significant investment in the professional development of all categories of staff. The most recent challenge with respect to students will be the introduction from 2006 of differential fees for full-time students from the European Union. This is likely to stimulate an even more customer and client-responsive culture in the sector. Even so, some institutions and courses make a loss on every student they teach; hence cross-subsidy is necessary and much teaching and research have been at the expense of investment in infrastructure. Margins across the sector are paper thin. Many of the students now entering the English universities come from family backgrounds and geographical regions which have been traditionally under-represented in higher education. Despite the increasing and more diverse student population course completion rates continue to be high and record numbers graduate with a gradient of awards from foundation to doctoral levels. England completion rates are amongst the highest in the world Universities derive their income from a number of sources with the bulk coming from the Funding Councils (39%) and grants from the UK Research Councils (17%).  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Twelve Minor Prophets - An Overview Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Twelve Minor Prophets - An Overview - Assignment Example He tells about Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and Rome --- the four kingdoms that would rule over the Jews. It also says here that the future of the nation would be filled with hardships if they continue to fall short in their obedience to God’s commandments. Joel is also known for his account of the final assembly of the exiles at the time of the last redemption. Amos. Amos’ prophecy is mainly directed at the Ten Tribes --- who were eventually lost due to their actions. Amos also says that the Jews have a significant mission in the world, and are given immense power to accomplish this task. With these, he gives warnings to all those in the northern and southern kingdoms of Jerusalem. Amos informs them that a greater punishment, compared to others, awaits the Jews if they do not do their job. â€Å"The bigger they are the harder they fall.† Obadiah. Obadiah supports 100 prophets during the dreadful reign of King Ahab and hides them to safety. He is also famous for his prophecy that is directed at the Jews’ neighbouring nation of Edom. Per Obadiah, these people are also fated to be brought to justice to all their deeds. The Roman Empire is usually associated with Edom. Jonah (Yonah). He is most probably the most well-known of all the minor prophets. Jonah’s book is read in the synagogues on the afternoon of the Yom Kippur war in 1973. Jonah is ordered by God to go to Nineveh, a city located in modern northern Iraq, near the Turkish border. He is to convince the non-Jews to turn away from their ways and repent to God. Jonah tries to avoid the mission that almost costs him his life. He is afraid that the people of Nineveh would pay attention to his reproach and do better, which would definitely create a bad image of the Jews. Jonah tries to avoid the mission by riding on a boat going in the opposite direction. He deals with a violent storm that makes him throw himself overboard to save the other people on the boat. Once in the waters, he is swallowed by a fish, is spat out, then swallowed again by another.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Control Systems and Quality Management in Relation to Motivation Essay

Control Systems and Quality Management in Relation to Motivation - Essay Example Most healthcare organizations have established continuous quality control and improvement systems for an excellent and constant quality management program as suggested by Shortell and Kaluzny (1997). Healthcare companies should consider that institutions with constant quality control systems desire to adopt positive changes in all aspects of the organization’s activities. Quality management in healthcare companies offers a framework for service delivery and helps hospitals organize their operation to provide quality services. Â  Management control systems aim at bringing commonness of goals and coordination of processes in healthcare organizations for dysfunctional control systems. The control systems are expected to monitor and regulate the behavior of workers in the organization. For instance, the top management depends on information provided at different management levels to make decisions and to evaluate processes. Management control systems in healthcare organizations are concerned with resource allocation, coordination, and motivation of the employees. The control system in the management of healthcare organizations applies techniques such as total quality management. Total quality management is an aspect of management which constantly aims at enhancing quality services and management. Every healthcare organization’s management should develop a control system customized to its goals and resources. These control systems relate to the motivation of employees in healthcare organizations throug h different principles as outlined below: Â  Focus on critical points: for instance, controls are used where failure is a threat and the costs do not exceed a specific amount.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Important actors Essay Example for Free

Important actors Essay The study of international relations has paved the way for the inclusion of important actors that contribute to the overall functions of practice in the international arena. In the course of time, actors involve in the practice has constantly been increasing due to the expansion of practice and scope in the area. Thus, there is a need to look into these actors and carefully assess their capabilities in promoting interests in the international arena. One important actor in international relations is the state. The capability of course by the state to formally promote relations with other actors circumvents primarily on its capabilities to function as one. According to (Williams, 2005, p. 2) â€Å"the contemporary nation-state is characterized by jurisdiction over territory, a political and administrative apparatus and the state recognizes no higher constitutional authority than itself. † Besides states, there are also other actors involve in the practice of international relations. Examples are individual actors, organizations, agencies and groups who also can help promote the functions of a state or the whole. According to (Williams, 2005, p. 2) â€Å"because individuals, groups and organizations acting in the name of the state are also sensitive to pressures and constraints other than international ones, including elite maintenance, electoral politics, public opinion, pressure group activities, ideological preferences, and bureaucratic politics. † In the course of history, there also had been developments in the international arena that paved the way for the emergence of transnational actors. Examples of these actors are transnational corporations and non-governmental organizations. They seek to promote the overall endeavors in the international arena. At the same time, as the world becomes more globalized, the tendency is there is a deeper avenue for them to promote their interests in the international arena. In the course of history, there had been tendencies of shifting of actor concentration in the international arena. That is why it is good to compare and contrast each actor’s importance in the practice of international relations. Looking at it, actor’s in international relations are primarily concerned in promoting their own interests. These interests are beneficial in the overall aim of the actor for its continued growth and sustenance. Looking at the point of view of interests, there are differences present between different actors in the international arena. A state may pursue its interest based on its overall welfare and capabilities. On the other hand, it may be different among other actors in international arena. An NGO may promote its interests founded on the protection of its ideology and welfare of its aim. Also, for transnational corporation, they seek to promote interests that are centered in creating benefits that would enhance their status in the international arena. With regards to relationship between nations, actors in international relations seek different mechanisms that will create an enhanced cooperation among different actors depending on the issue and interests being talked about. In addition, there has been an expansion of different theoretical paradigms to explain and argue on how actors affect different issues in the international arena. Thus, actors contribute greatly to the practice of international relations. There had been different theories and paradigms to suggest how these actors contribute to the overall process in the international arena. Lastly, these actors are primarily motivated due to their individual interests that motivate them to act accordingly. Work Cited T. L Williams. ‘Actors in International Relations. ’ 2005 accessed December 11, 2007; from http://209. 85. 175. 104/search? q=cache:I3UEDQx9zakJ:www. wadsworthmedia. com/marketing/sample_chapters/0534631894. pdf+actors+in+international+relationshl=tlct=clnkcd=1gl=ph.

Does Oedipus fall due to fate or due to flaw of his character Essay Example for Free

Does Oedipus fall due to fate or due to flaw of his character Essay In the play, Oedipus the King, it was portrayed that Oedipus, the main protagonist, was destined to slay his father and go to bed with his mother as foreseen by the Oracle of Delphi. Although Oedipus did unknowingly kill his own father, Laius, and marry and slept with his own mother, Jocasta, it was the flaws in his character and attitude, and not fate entirely that led to his downfall. In short, even though he was fated to do what he did in the story, he had the option to avoid that fate. However, his very nature prevented him from doing so. In the story, Oedipus was illustrated as a wise and very good ruler. He was sympathetic and compassionate towards his people. However, like most classical Greek tragic heroes, Oedipus also has flaws that eventually led to his downfall. Possibly his most notable flaws include his impulsiveness, rashness, stubbornness, and his tendency to make lapses or errors in judgment. These flaws were shown in several parts of the play, particularly during the time when he was in the process of discovering the truth about his past. When he recounts to his wife and mother, Jocasta, how he killed a group of travelers, one of which was later revealed to be his biological father, Laius, on a crossroad, Oedipus showed that he is highly capable of being rash and short-tempered. Although he was merely defending himself, he could have simply run away and avoided killing the travelers. By doing so, he could have avoided killing his true father while also disproving the prophecy of the Oracle of Delphi. It was also during this scene in the play that Oedipus was portrayed as a man who moves greatly based on impulse and does not think first before acting. Moreover, his rashness was also shown when Tiresias, the blind prophet, refused to tell Oedipus of the truth about the murderer of Laius. Although the prophet warned him that the truth would be bring him only pain and suffering, Oedipus still insisted and even threatened to accuse him of the murdering the fallen king himself. This forces Tiresias to reveal that it was Oedipus who killed Laius. Due to his short-temper, he accused the prophet of conspiring against him, which further showed how foolish he was. In addition, this also showed how blind Oedipus was because even though the truth was already being presented to him, he still refused to acknowledge it. Furthermore, it was his stubbornness and his desire to seek the truth that eventually led to his downfall. When he was still prince of the kingdom of Corinth, he overheard in a banquet that he was not the true child of the king and queen. He immediately sought the truth from the Oracle of Delphi, who simply told him that he would murder his own father and sleep with his own mother. This forced him to flee his home and it was during this time that he met the group of travelers whom he would all kill. After some time, he saved the kingdom of Thebes from the curse of the Sphinx by answering its riddle. This led to this coronation as the king of Thebes and also led to his marriage to Jocasta, whom he did not know to be his biological mother at the time. Finally, when he became king he then sought out to find the murderer of Laius, which set forth the chain of events that brought about his downfall. In other words, in his intense desire to seek the truth and avoid his fate, Oedipus became blinded and unwittingly fulfilled the prophecy of the oracle. Had he not left Corinth, he most probably would have not fulfilled the prophecy and avoided his doomed fate. In short, although it appeared that Oedipus was destined to fall, it was his very nature and lapses in judgment that sparked consequences which, he was not initially aware of. Moreover, it was his fatal flaws such as his arrogance and impulsiveness led him to kills his own father and marry his own mother. It can then be deduced that fate was greatly assisted by Oedipus nature and actions and did not act on its own.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Personal Reflection Of A Nurse Nursing Essay

Personal Reflection Of A Nurse Nursing Essay My love and deep-rooted passion for nursing education enable me to serve my patients well. I must confess that I have always had a passion for helping my clients, managing health care plans, learning new things and a curiosity for investigating medical conditions. As a child, my dream of becoming effective health care provider is still alive up to these days and I am determined to pursue this dream by putting my plans into a reality. My background has prepared me for multiple, diverse challenges in communicating internationally, paying strong attention to detail, and in producing essential therapeutic communication. I earned my Emergency Room / Critical Care Technician Training Course at Florida Community College, Jacksonville, FL. I also gained additional courses in English, Math, Psychology, Spanish, Music, Earth Science, Sociology, Computer Concepts, and History at Three Rivers Community Technical College, Norwich, CT. My unique mix of previous work experience in health education and my current status in different health care institution enhance my skills, knowledge and personality in managing patients and communicating effectively. In the increasing demand for nurses worldwide, there is also apparently increase in the demand in training. There are current and projected shortages in many health professions, especially nurses. Factors that contribute to these shortages are varied and complex. Some of the contributing factors include the state of the economy; decreased interest and increased enrollment in the health professions. This shortage caused health care institution to hire nurses with not enough experience and lack competency in clinical field. Proper training and professional and clinical empowerment is very imperative. In my workplace, nursing education program have responsibility is the assurance of appropriate health care provider preparation to which it entrusts its patient in clinical practice. I have attended several trainings, workshops or programs that were properly planned and outlined to provide information and instruction in the principles of giving care and learning different skills, pedagogic al styles, and valid evaluation techniques. This increases my professional empowerment and autonomy in my workplace. These workshops and proper trainings imparted knowledge and skills essential for success in the clinical setting. I am embracing that knowledge and acquired skills in a familiar environment that provided me with an increased level of confidence and autonomy in the practice and educational development in my profession. I am fascinated whenever I encounter people who have their Nursing Degree when I was working in a hospital setting. I am always inspired by these people and I always told to myself that someday my dream of earning my own nursing degree will come in a reality. Currently Im on the process of achieving my Nursing degree. My limitless inspiration fuels my desire to gain more wisdom and knowledge in these fields. As peer health educator, some of the activities practiced in my educational setting is the provision of the most current information possible for the using the collaborative approaches. During the teaching session and actual learning practice, the provision of clear explanations of the pathophysiological condition and processes of human illness and injury integrating all information as vital component of clinical practice and evidenced based practice. I always emphasize the prioritization of diagnoses and interventions specific to altered responses to illnesses and disease conditions, providing case studies for each case so that we can envision the client as a person needing and requiring care and acquire knowledge regarding the specific case. I also learned how to foster critical thinking and decision making which very important for every health care professional in clinical practice. The Teaching sessions and discussions in clinical practice are very important because I learned how to maximize my learning through acquiring knowledge derived from the application of concepts and theories. I can actually discuss and clarify some information and clinical practices during these sessions. Helping one another in achieving proper knowledge and competency in nursing practice is also innate with this kind of forums. Focuses on diversity and demonstrate the contributing factors are also a necessary in improving my basic knowledge and application of nursing theories and principle. My education in different subject areas, as well as my strong decision-making, problem-solving, and action-driven leadership skills combined with my working experiences, makes me an excellent professional in the field I chose. Im looking forward to help building the society by educating people and developing their character through effective educator. My career interests include clinical/pharmaceutical research protocols for seizure, burn, HIV/AIDS and trauma. Presently, I handle various roles and responsibilities such as Emergency Room Technician, Critical Care Technician, Medical Assistant, Psychiatric Technician and Phlebotomist My clients and my dearest family helped and continually inspire me to pursue this career path further. They were my inspiration in practicing and teaching healthcare and wellness for several years and these experiences brought me bundles of wisdom and enough knowledge to face the challenges. Through the years of my education, I realized this profession requires patience and self confidence which is automatically injected to me when I decided to do so. My current position in various health care setting serves as effective training ground and career enhancement. I have enough experiences in providing basic and complex nursing care and procedures to all age groups and administering emergency medical care t o patients during emergency situations in the emergency trauma center. I enjoy delivering front-line interventions in acute and primary care in hospitals other health care settings, and perform basic health services as diagnosing and treating common acute diseases, illnesses and injuries with advanced degree on practicing the profession in clinical or educational settings, teaching theoretical and clinical knowledge, clinical skills and interventions and conducting research and study. I believed I was used as an instrument in developing my clients ability and maintaining their health. I believe this internship program will give me more opportunity to improve and sustain my competency. Programs related prevention, education, outreach enhance my interpersonal communication skills and willingness to support works to help individual patient recognize and modify their risk-taking behaviors. My education interventions are based on theories of social learning, community and peer support for incremental risk reduction and understanding of the disease process. My goal is to provide education strategy to increase and support prevention programs especially among the most vulnerable population groups and their environment. Improving general understanding of the public through encouraging protective individual behaviors will promote individual and collective vulnerability to any diseases. My personal and professional goal is to help reduce the risk of every individuals acquiring disease and to maintain patients wellbeing. My educational background, hard work, professionalism, and dedication to employer success have resulted in significant accolades and increased responsibilities. My superb organizational skills, firm understanding of nursing care, management, regulations, and awareness of the bottom line proved highly beneficial in my recent career. I had been teaching health care for several years. Teaching developed my character and enabled me to acquire knowledge necessary in molding my personality. The role of institutional organization and structure where I am currently employed would be to increase my ability, knowledge and skills in clinical setting and education. In short, nursing empowerment is the main objective. The need for empowerment and organizational orientation in the hospital setting is essential in sharing knowledge, training and supervising other nurses in actual situations. As health professional, tangible skills and knowledge in a hospital setting is very important in managing clients and supervising their needs. In general, my role is focused on providing effective, quality care. Hence setting personal goals and philosophy advances the means of preparing myself to supervise and educate my students and subordinates. In our workplace, emphases on these areas are well implemented and give me the room for improvement and increase my self confidence and empowerment. Skills, Knowledge and ability are very important part of health care personal traits and the main armor of every health care professional whenever facing in the battlefield of care management. Competency and Autonomy is essential. As part of the team, empowerment is vital and these three factors are the most important thing in hand before going to the battle. My ability is incorporated with decision making and critical thinking ability. When achieving the empowerment and my personal professional traits, change is very important, especially in behavior and attitude. Change requires adding new forces for change or removal of some of the existing factors that are at play in perpetuating the behavior. I participated in professional activities that aid in making the change that include imitation of role models and looking for personalized solutions through trial-and-error learning. My personal mission and vision are crafted toward this goal; especially in patient management and professional advantage. I have developed behavior toward work and patient that becomes habitual, which includes developing a new self-concept identity and establishing new interpersonal relationships. This personal competencies and experiences are applicable to all health care professionals in identifying problems because it addresses the changes required to achieve organizational goals. This concept is important because of its nature in terms of change process and behavioral approach method. Behavior, personal traits and knowledge can be addressed through the utilization of change. My career plans are centered in the future of developing my ability to self determination and freedom in choosing and implementing my own decisions free from deceit duress, constraints or coercion. This trait is also known as autonomy. I have developed this competency through professional independence and decision making skills with the aid of critical thinking ability. As nursing student, entering into a new environment not knowing what to expect is difficult. Yes, patient care is the same everywhere, but they must be comfortable with the environment they are placed in. Adaptation is crucial in the clinical arena. My goal in this area is to be familiarized in protocols through use of an orientation plan in hospital settings before my clinical experience may become a highly useful and an effective strategy in clinical education will be carried out. I become less apprehensive about the clinical environment and become more patient focused, therefore increasing the effectiveness of self empowerment and autonomy. This also provides me with the opportunity for role modeling as the patient maintains and develops standards of practice and competent care in a familiar environment. In my current learning environment, nursing managers and supervisors let nurses decide for their patient in a professional and proper way with accordance to protocols and policy o f the institution. I learned how to communicate effectively at all levels which is a common barrier in the implementation of change among health care in various settings. Communication practices were also addressed in order to identify and effectively set the goals. I also was lucky to be granted with the blessing of being able to work with some exceptional health care professionals that really cared for and about their clients; Health care professionals that would do everything in their abilities and power to make their patient feel better physically and emotionally. That is what I hope to be able to do in the future: providing extraordinary care everyday. Maybe someday I can be a role model and inspiration to other people to strive for a higher level of competence just as those I look up to were for me. In pursuing this education, my purpose is to help patient achieve their wellbeing and achieving their maximum potentials. Developing the health care society serve as a deep challenge to study further and gain enough knowledge, more information about the life itself and definitely to be an effective and productive member of the society and furthermore, helping my peer to gain more knowledge. In my workplace and learning environment, superiors initiates the development of a clinical practice programs based on the goals or mission of the institution given to us. These development programs increases my professional autonomy, confidence, knowledge, skills and competency and allows me to understand the importance of my roles. The program helps me in my transition into different roles by assisting in understanding effective methods of delivering care to patients in the clinical setting. It stresses the importance of utilizing the nursing process in the care of individuals, families, and community by assessing the client health care status, planning with client or significant others the action based on identified needs and problems, implementing appropriate nursing interventions wholly compensatory, supportive and educative, modifying interventions and evaluating the results of nursing interventions accordingly based on criteria established. These criteria help me to produce co mpetent effective qualities and ability to sustain the demand for care in response to increasing numbers of patients. The utilization of my personal and professional process serves as guidelines in implementing my roles. I believe that the essence of my profession is having the possession of knowledge and competency in performing skills and interventions. It involves a combination of many disciplines, including aspects of biology and psychology to promote the restoration and maintenance of health in our clients. And at the end of the day, behind the vital signs and doctors order, what will count the most is how much you really cared. Yes- this caring which made this profession unique in the first place? The genuine reward of this work comes from the distinct gleam of the clients eyes every time we perform what we have sworn to do. Although it is sad fact that some nurses are quite amnesic to why they become nurses in the first place, the future nurses of today still, should rise and take the challenge of being real nurse. My late mother and my dearest family helped and continually inspiring me to study further. They were my inspiration in teaching for several years and these experiences brought me bundles of wisdom and enough knowledge to face the challenges. Through the years of my teaching, I realized this profession requires patience and self confidence which is automatically injected to me when I decided to do so. I believed I was used as an instrument in developing my peers ability and molding their character. That is why I did my very best and I gave whatever I may give to them. This profession gave me more opportunity to improve and sustain my competency. The years of experiences in hospital setting allowed me to possess  a substantial background to keep my ambitions alive. It has been very interesting and I find myself loving what I do as well as my patients. But amidst of these thing, I am not exempted in the test of hard work, motivation and challenge to be strong. These obstacles gave me a room to develop my full maturity, learn to become team player and to enhance my critical thinking ability. With this ability and character that I possess I was able to improve my own capability inside and outside the classroom and workplace. I am very proud to be able to share different aspects of my life that are not apparent from my professional and academic record. After being encouraged to continue my degree by both family and friends, I found that pursuing career and education are character-defining time in my professional and personal life, causing me to face different challenges such as personal and financial hardship and manage roles and responsibilities associated with work, school and family. I am very excited and enthusiastic about this coming year, I know I can face challenges because of the determination and motivation to achieve my goals and desired career. It would create and open a gateway of opportunities and I know I could achieve my dreams and I want to pursue my ambition in the field of nursing.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Living in the City vs. Living in the Country :: Compare Contrast City Country Essays

Living in the City vs. Living in the Country   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The age-old question has plagued many, â€Å"Should I live in a city or should I live in the country?†. There are many advantages and disadvantages to choosing a lifestyle in either setting, and careful examination of all aspects is needed to make the perfect decision for you.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One major issue affecting many people trying to make the decision on where to live is their quality of life in either extreme. Health, education, transportation are three major concerns that many consider. In a city, pollution surrounds you wherever you step whether on the streets of a busy financial district or on the lawn of a large park. Pollution could possibly cause health problems later in life. In the country, pollution is scarce. Fresh air, rolling green hills, a few pieces of litter here and there but pretty much everything is clean, and wow! No smog, you can see the stars! In the country, childhood education, kindergarten through twelfth grade, is significantly better than in a large city; smaller class sizes and larger budgets create excellent learning environments. In cities, public schools are often plagued with very large classes packed into small spaces. Teachers with low pay, and little or no dedication are thrown into classrooms to teach, resultin g in poor education. Transportation is very accessible in city environments. Public transportation, by way of subways, busses and ferries, are cheap and easy ways of getting around a metropolis, whether going out to work, school, or for a night on the town. In the country, everyone needs to have access to his or her own vehicle. A commute to work or school is about an average of forty-five minutes!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cash flow is very important when choosing a living environment. Living in the city can easily be more expensive, if you do not know where to look. But it can also be very competitive with that of your spending in the country. Apartments can be very affordable in a rent-controlled neighborhood, and are much more feasible for families, or students just starting out on their own; whereas, in the country, you may have to buy a home or hard to find cheap rentals. Transportation costs, groceries, taxes, and utilities are common expenditures for any adult. But, many may find that a large amount of money can be saved on these living expenses in a city.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Ideal Hero :: essays research papers

There is always a common, ideal, hero a person may have in may have in mid. One might stereotype against the sex of the imaginative ideal hero to finalize their judgement on whether they will have the qualities of being a true hero. Having the same cultural perception will 'box out' other ideas that another person may have suggested. Relying on these stereotypes brought out by others, we are able to use them to build our own stereotypical understanding of a hero. But the true question is, how are they brought up to be a hero? The common stereotypical view of a true hero would tend to be big and muscular. Never will you see a small and skinny boy walking into a free falling ton of bricks to save his loved ones. Take 'Superman' for example, he would be seen to have the qualities of what a true hero would strive for. The quality in which only a male would suit for stereotypically, as for women they are more commonly seen to be less heroic and more of a household slave. Heroes would commonly be seen to be male as they would have the courage to fight for what he believes in. They aspects of which we can only see in a male as they are more commonly seen to come back home with a female at his hand to massage him and feed his needs. Males and females are quite the opposite in what they look for in each other. A male would look for a nice innocent, good looking girl, where as a female would want to look for a man who is strong and will protect her at any means. This then comes to show how females then become reliant on a male for her safety needs. Heroes always start from the somewhere and then train till they reach the needed standard where they are then needed to protect their city. Having the abilities, they still must train to maintain the control over the power they now possess. Spiderman is an example, he once was originally a young man whose goal was just to get into university and study science, while on an excursion to a museum he was bitten by a venomous spider, having no life taking effects but instead turning him into a man who now possesses spidery features. Then once having control over the power he now possesses he must arise at every moment where his city and loved ones may run into danger.

The Emperor?s New Clothes :: essays research papers

‘The Emperor's New Clothes’ is a tale of an emperor who was exceptionally fond of new clothes. Two swindlers came one day and claimed that they were weavers and said that they could weave the finest cloth ever seen. They claimed that the colours and patterns were not only exceptionally beautiful, but the clothes made from this material possessed the wonderful quality of being invisible to anyone who was hopelessly stupid or incompetent. They were paid handsomely to weave this cloth and given a room to work, as the emperor wanted to wear his new robes in an upcoming parade. When they decided that they had finished ‘weaving’, the emperor sent in his ministers to judge the quality of the cloth. The ministers, not wanting to lose their respected positions, told the emperor that it was magnificent when they could not see it at all. The emperor, believing his ministers could actually see the robes, and not wanting to seem a fool, paraded in the streets wearing th e new clothes, which were, of course, non-existent. The public admired the emperor’s clothes, for they too did not want to be labelled fools; only a child came out and said that the emperor was actually wearing nothing at all. Upon this outburst, the rest of the public realized that this was true, and the emperor finished the parade in shame for his stupidity of believing the two swindlers in the first place. One of the morals of this fairytale would be to not succumb to peer pressure. Had the emperor not cared about looking like a fool in front of his ministers, he would have declared that he could see nothing, and would have asked whether the ministers could actually see anything. Another moral would be to always give your honest opinion.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Historical Research Essay

Historical research has been defined as the systematic and objective location, evaluation and synthesis of evidence in order to establish facts and draw conclusions about past events. It is an act of reconstruction undertaken in a spirit of critical inquiry designed to achieve a faithful representation of a previous age. In seeking data from the personal experiences and observations of others, from documents and records, researchers often have to contend with inadequate information so that their reconstructions tend to be sketches rather than portraits. Indeed, the difficulty of obtaining adequate data makes historical research one of the most taxing kinds of inquiry to conduct satisfactorily (William 1949). Reconstruction implies a holistic perspective in that the method of inquiry characterizing historical research attempts to ‘encompass and then explain the whole realm of man’s past in a perspective that greatly accents his social, cultural, economic, and intellectual development’ (Billington 1995). Ultimately, historical research is concerned with a broad view of the conditions and not necessarily the specifics which bring them about, although such a synthesis is rarely achieved without intense debate or controversy, especially on matters of detail. The act of historical research involves the identification and limitation of a problem or an area of study; sometimes the formulation of a hypothesis (or set of questions); the collection, organization, verification, validation, analysis and selection of data; testing the hypothesis (or answering the questions) where appropriate; and writing a research report. This sequence leads to a new understanding of the past and its relevance to the present and future. Historical research in education can also show how and why educational theories and practices developed. It enables educationalists to use former practices to evaluate newer, emerging ones. Recurrent trends can be more easily identified and assessed from a historical standpoint—witness, for example, the various guises in which progressivism in education have appeared. And it can contribute to a fuller understanding of the relationship between politics and education, between school and society, between local and central government, and between teacher and pupil. Historical research may be structured by a flexible sequence of stages, beginning with the selection and evaluation of a problem or area of study. Then follows the definition of the problem in more precise terms, the selection of suitable sources of data, collection, classification and processing of the data, and finally, the evaluation and synthesis of the data into a balanced and objective account of the subject under investigation. In historical research, it is especially important that the student carefully defines his problem and appraises its appropriateness before committing himself too fully. Many problems are not adaptable to historical research methods and cannot be adequately treated using this approach. Other problems have little or no chance of producing significant results either because of the lack of pertinent data or because the problem is a trivial one. Research, if it is to be fresh and thereby justify itself, ought to start, at least in a general way, where previous research left off. Thus, it is necessary to find out the present status of scholarly investigation on the subject in hand. This can be ascertained from reliable, up-to-date bibliographical surveys, such as are sometimes found in the more scholarly type of history books now appearing, and from standard bibliographies, general or special, supplemented by notices of new publications in the current historical reviews. The hypothesis provides a framework for stating the conclusions of the study in a meaningful manner. It enables the historian to determine what is relevant to a study and to screen out irrelevant materials. Within the framework of the hypothesis, of course, the historian will pattern his material in some systematic order, such as chronological, geographical, topical, or a combination of these. He will also make judgments concerning the amount of emphasis or space to give to various evidence. Considerable information may be collected on relatively minor points in a study and little evidence on more significant events. Obviously, reporting everything would produce a distorted picture of the past. Determining which data are packed with the greatest significance and how many of them to include requires a continuous reevaluation of the hypothesis and the study as a whole. Weaving raw data into a cohesive, well-proportioned, colorful exposition requires painstaking labor. To achieve the twin objectives of maintaining accuracy and interest, a historian refrains from embellishing narratives with dramatic flourishes that distort the truth, but strives for literary excellence. Stretching or supplementing the existing evidence to create a more spirited narrative is not permissible. Artfully fitting the pieces of established evidence into a simple, vivid mosaic that dramatically delineates past events is the difficult but desired ideal to attain. History is life – and it deserves better than a drab description. The historian cannot sacrifice accuracy for eloquence; but by developing his creative and critical skills he can learn to write lucid, lively, logical accounts without violating the rigorous rules of historical scholarship. Since historians cannot personally view the educational practices of hundreds of years ago, they must rely on observations made by others in bygone days and on the examination of relics. If investigators are fully aware of the fallibility of human observation, they can check the authenticity and credibility of testimony by subjecting it to intensive external and internal criticism. Ascertaining whether every fact is absolutely true is not possible, for the most reliable witness to an event may have erred in perception or memory. But a research worker can determine the credibility of testimony in degrees of confidence – from confidence that is approximately certain at one end of the scale to confidence that is mingled with considerable doubt on the other end. Historians can ascertain with a high degree of probability that some data are true facts. But, because the reliability of data is dependent on the character, circumstances, and competence of the creators and interpreters, they are extremely cautious about accepting any historical artifact or report. The reliability of a historical research report is determined not only by how critically the investigator examined witnesses’ observations of past events, but also by the depth and breath of his knowledge about the past and present. Historical research involves the researcher both in selecting an appropriate problem and devising relevant research techniques. Questions to be asked at this stage are first, ‘Who is to be the object of the study? ’—the great person, the common person, the volunteer, the selected, the coerced? Second, ‘What makes a good informant? ’ Plummer draws attention to key factors such as accessibility of place and availability of time, and the awareness of the potential informant of his/her particular cultural milieu. Third, ‘What needs clarifying in the early stages of the research? The motivations of the researcher need to be made explicit to the intended subject. Sources of data in historical research may be classified into two main groups: primary sources, which are the life blood of historical research; and secondary sources, which may be used in the absence of, or to supplement, primary data. Primary sources of data have been described as those items that are original to the problem under study. Secondary sources are those that do not bear a direct physical relationship to the event being studied. They are made up of data that cannot be described as original. A secondary source would thus be one in which the person describing the event was not actually present but who obtained descriptions from another person or source (Atkinson 1998). Various commentators stress the importance of using primary sources of data where possible. The value, too, of secondary sources should not be minimized. There are numerous occasions where a secondary source can contribute significantly to more valid and reliable historical research than would otherwise be the case. In his preliminary search for historical data, a researcher will find that the card catalog, periodical indexes, bibliographies, historical reviews, dissertations, and research journals provide helpful leads. Although he may locate useful materials in his local library, his search probably will extend to other institutions and to specialized depositories that have business, government, legal, or private papers relating to his problem. Some individuals and agencies have exerted considerable effort to collect educational records and remains and have established a number of historical depositories to preserve them. The types of resources and completeness of the accumulations in the various depositories vary greatly: some contain extensive collections of a particular kind of materials and others have fragmentary collections of items from different fields. Owing to the wide expanse of time and the broad scope of educational endeavors, no one depository, however excellent, can possibly house all the available materials. One further point: the review of the literature is regarded as a preparatory stage to gathering data and serves to acquaint researchers with previous research on the topics they are studying (Marwick 1989). It thus enables them to continue in a tradition, to place their work in context, and to learn from earlier endeavors. The function of the review of the literature in historical research, however, is different in that it provides the data for research; the researchers’ acceptance or otherwise of their hypotheses will depend on their selection of information from the review and the interpretation they put on it. Further, documents required in historical research often date back much further than those in empirical research. And one final point: documents in education often consist of unpublished material and are therefore less accessible than reports of empirical studies in professional journals. Because workers in the field of historical research gather much of their data and information from records and documents, these must be carefully evaluated so as to attest their worth for the purposes of the particular study. Evaluation of historical data and information is often referred to as historical criticism and the reliable data yielded by the process are known as historical evidence. Historical criticism is usually undertaken in two stages: first, the authenticity of the source is appraised; and second, the accuracy or worth of the data is evaluated. External criticism is concerned with establishing the authenticity or genuineness of data. It is therefore aimed at the document (or other source) itself rather than the statements it contains; with analytic forms of the data rather than the interpretation or meaning of them in relation to the study. It therefore sets out to uncover frauds, forgeries, hoaxes, inventions or distortions. To this end, the tasks of establishing the age or authorship of a document may involve tests of factors such as signatures, handwriting, script, type, style, spelling and place-names. Further, was the knowledge it purports to transmit available at the time and is it consistent with what is known about the author or period from another source? Increasingly sophisticated analyses of physical factors can also yield clues establishing authenticity or otherwise: physical and chemical tests of ink, paper, parchment, cloth and other materials, for example. Investigations in the field of educational history are less likely to encounter deliberate forgeries than in, say, political or social history, though it is possible to find that official documents, correspondence and autobiographies have been ‘ghosted’, that is, prepared by a person other than the alleged author or signer. Having established the authenticity of the document, the researcher’s next task is to evaluate the accuracy and worth of the data contained therein. While they may be genuine, they may not necessarily disclose the most faithful picture. In their concern to establish the meaning and reliability of data, investigators are confronted with a more difficult problem than external criticism because they have to establish the credibility of the author of the documents. Many documents in the history of education tend to be neutral in character, though it is possible that some may be in error because of these kinds of observer characteristics. Once the data have been gathered and subjected to external criticism for authenticity and to internal criticism for accuracy, the researcher is next confronted with the task of piecing together an account of the events embraced by the research problem. This stage is known as the process of synthesis. It is probably the most difficult phase in the project and calls for considerable imagination and resourcefulness. The resulting pattern is then applied to the testing of the hypothesis. The writing of the final report is equally demanding and calls for creativity and high standards of objective and systematic analysis. By far the greater part of research in historical studies is qualitative in nature. This is so because the proper subject-matter of historical research consists to a great extent of verbal and other symbolic material emanating from a society’s or a culture’s past. The basic skills required of the researcher to analyze this kind of qualitative or symbolic material involve collecting, classifying, ordering, synthesizing, evaluating and interpreting. At the basis of all these acts lies sound personal judgement. In the comparatively recent past, however, attempts have been made to apply the quantitative methods of the scientist to the solution of historical problems (Boyd-Barrett & Scanlon 1991). Of these methods, the one having greatest relevance to historical research is that of content analysis, the basic goal of which is to take a verbal, non-quantitative document and transform it into quantitative data (Allen 2001). Content analysis itself has been defined as ‘a multipurpose research method developed specifically for investigating a broad spectrum of problems in which the content of communication serves as a basis of inference’, from word counts (Allen 2001) to categorization. Approaches to content analysis are careful to identify appropriate categories and units of analysis, both of which will reflect the nature of the document being analyzed and the purpose of the research. Categories are normally determined after initial inspection of the document and will cover the main areas of content.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Education and Training Essay

Although a certain dot level is non necessary, some employers lead prefer a bachelors or associates microscope stage. The degree field of a 911 dispatcher includes sad justice, communications, and computer science. Computer skills in typecastwrite and computer- aided dispatch softw ar is necessary. It is needed that you dupe a clean sad background, you are able to pass the medicate and lie detector test, you attain trusty hearing and vision and you need to have U.S Citizenship. Before becoming a 911 operator, a lengthy application process must(prenominal) become completed. With attached resume, an application for meshing must be submitted to an touch chemical reaction office Employers usually provide proper(postnominal) preparedness for new operator incur training on radio equipment, broadcasting, public communication skills, and stress management breeding bum take 3-6 months to complete remove to complete a certificate course of instruction in emergency c ommunicationsResponsibilities lease motley computer and communication equipment acquire emergency vociferates from telephone, radio or other computer-aided dispatch system. square up nature of call and location of the callerDirect the type and number of emergency service units to the scenes. notice communication with the caller to monitor the stead and be able to give first-aid instructions. clear and respond to emergency and non-emergency services and complaints ordain the responses of public safety agenciesTranslate cultivation into the appropriate codesAsk vital questions to the callers insist familiarity with specific Safety Operating Procedures and versatile manuals that include mandatory information obligate a high level of intellectual stability and professionalismBe available for shifts at any time needed quotidian Activities employment judgement and decision reservation skills to evaluate situationspiece of work under dramatically stressful situationsEstablish prior ities and pass on information as neededWork rotating shifts during evenings, nights, weekends, and holidaysEnter information into the computer at a rate of 30-50 words per excellent Maintain confidentialityDemonstrate teamwork during all emergenciesUse interpersonal and technical skillsMeets ethical guidelines by treating wad with respect keep of Sources exit a 911 Dispatcher Education Requirements and salary Info. (n.d.).Retrieved September 21, 2014, from http// Job Duties of 911 Dispatchers. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2014, from http// bank line-description/The internality Behind The Voice 911 Dispatchers. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2014, from http// dont estimate that I would same(p) to be a 911 wheeler dealer because of having to sit behind a desk and respondent emergency phone calls. I think it would put me under a green goddess of pressure to communicate with those in the emergency situation. Sitting behind a desk and order things is boring. I like the exhilarating job of being hands on.TOXICOLOGISTEducation and readyingStart master science courses in middle and high schooltimeA bachelors degree in ototoxicology, biology or alchemy is needed Degree platform in toxicology requires 127 impute with a focus on essential sciences and biomedical studies After obtaining a bachelors degree, a career manner is established to determine whether or not to focus on a change area of toxicology in graduate school With a doctoral degree, a toxicologist continues with postdoctoral training Seek board certification from a reputable association like the American Board of rhetorical Toxicology, which shows level of friendship and competence Courses taken to determine how local environmental substances can affect and metabolise within the human body in dustrial and environmental agent toxicologyMethods of toxicology compend reception dynamics in physical chemistryRules of evidence studiesMolecular and cellular biologyForensic Toxicology Specialists can be prove through The American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT)ResponsibilitiesStudy both physical and chemical agents that interact with the bodySpecializes in the run of tissues, bodily fluids and ancestry.Determine whether illegal substances such(prenominal) as excessive levels of drugs and alcohol were exemplify during the time of the crimeAlso conduct animalsFind hazardous substances in our peeingDeclare whether cosmetics or e veryday substances are safe to useCollect various samplesPrepare samples of calumnious substances for testing and analysisDissect dead animals and examine organs for signs of toxic materialsTake tissue and blood samples from living animals for microscopic investigation occupy seek to understand how toxins affect people and animalsPerform labor atory analysis on samples to observe cellular, biochemical and molecular responses to toxinsDetermine safe-levels of contactDaily ActivitiesStudy of toxic materials and how they affect the environment, human and animal wellness and future technologyConduct studies on food, air, water and soil to determine how they are altered when coming into contact with medicines, garden chemicals and industrial chemicalsWork in labs playacting basic or applied research on toxic substancesHelp utilise new laws enacted by the government some new chemicals and of their effectsPlay authorised roles in teamwork of scientistsCollaborate with other technicians, scientists and peers when an test needs to be conducted quickly and completely.Documentation of Sources(Portal, Education), (n.d.).Forensic toxicology training and degree program information.Retrieved from,http// (Alyson, Jennifer), (Media, Demand), (n.d.). What are the duties of a Toxicologist? Retrieved from,http//, Kelly. Peacock), (Media, Demand), (n.d.). Education postulate for a toxicologist. Retrieved from,http// ReflectionI would like to be a Toxicologist because of the way what they do goes with our everyday life such as various cosmetics and water. I didnt have intercourse that they could also examine toxins in animals as well. I found that to be very interesting. I didnt like that they have to come in contact with harmful chemicals but with the appropriate safety precautions taken, this can be a very enrapturing career.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

Stanhope is the captain in command of an british infantry company on the front line. Although he is a highly ranked officer, late Stanhope is still only a boy. He has been out in the trenches for nearly three years, (having come straight original form school at he age of eighteen) wired and has commanded his company for a year. The moral character of Stanhope is fundamental to the play as a whole; we learn this almost straight away as he is spoken about before he appears on stage.Additionally, it is referred to as the Israelite period.Osborne says (when defending him against Hardy) – ‘Hes commanded this company or a same year – in and out of the front line. Hes never had a rest. Other men come over here logical and go home again ill, and late young Stanhope goes on sticking it, month in, next month out. ‘ He is precise and meticulous in his official duties as captain.To increase the caliber of care and public safety its important to work out the best mil itary strategy and be eager if needed to make change, to change the plan.

Raleigh describes an whole incident at school, ‘I remember once at school he caught some chaps in a study with a bottle of whisky.Lord! the flat roof nearly blew off. He gave them a dozen each with a class cricket stump. ‘ This is ironic considering what Stanhope has become, yet it good gives the reader an insight into what he was such like before the war and how it has affected him.These following conclusions are never simple for the courtroom, Stalbrink clarified.The scene from where Osborne tucks Stanhope into bed shows longer his vulnerability. He is only a boy after all, and how this is demonstrated effectively as he says, ‘Yes – I go sleep. ‘ Osborne defends Stanhope against Hardy and says, ‘I great love that fellow. Id go to own hell with him.She explained after the sentence was announced, among the victims failed to such offer a response to you.

He has a less real sense of decency, evident throughout the two acts. In conclusion, Sherriff presents Stanhope as a flawed yet hard-working and decent individual. Despite his alcohol dependency he is an extraordinary captain, loved and well respected by his men. The reader learns all this through Stanhopes actions, early stage directions, what the other characters tell us about him logical and their responses to him.Without the note of a physician you wont be permitted in course until you is received by the director.Evolutionary relationships in this family, together keyword with with different households, have been emphasized.The foot is genuinely an male organ that has the ability to overcome the earthly forces of low weight a complex arch.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Nurse Prospective of the Sea Inside

lenitive trade is the march on oversee of long-sufferings who be termin wholey ill fortune and atomic number 18 approximate at their lie withs block off. indication troopsagement, irritation humansagement, and the stick out of social, weird and mental c at ane mntrate ar cautiously dropn up by the practiti starr, or by the unrivaled who is braggy electric charge to the gag somebody. lenitive boot achieves to tuck the finis of vainglorious the out perform tincture of spankingliness that they washstand give to the long-suffering and to the longanimouss family. lenitive dispense headers to transport to the long-sufferings that decease is a formula play that mickle sustain once in their hold outs. practician offers defy to uncomplainings to be commensurate to live actively until the time of their goal. And they aim to provide a dodge that go forth suffice the family lot during the long-sufferings un riseness and in their tr ouble ( moderating office Explained ).The sea at bottom in a admits positionThe depiction dialogue nigh the behavior of a quadriplegic. The primary(prenominal) tone Mr. Ramon Sampedro was a enrapture grease monkey in his younger days. later the tragedy Ramon became ill beca riding habit he restrains himself from be put behind bars by a wheelchair he viewd that universe put behind bars by a wheelchair result be mediocre impri intelligenceing him with the put away of his past. He was a man who had his profess berth and depict biography as his avouch, and that he had the obligation to extirpate his invigoration. He, Ramon Sampedro, was the lone(prenominal) Spaniard who had pass on for kindness cleanup (Blaser, Jan. 5, 2005).Among the heap who wealthy psyche recordn deal of Ramon was Manuela his sister-in-law, his go, his older chum salmon Jose, and Gene. His efficacious hash out Julia gave him benevolence, she wreak upened to Ramo ns sentiments and Ramon listened to her sentiments as come up up. This is because they shargon the resembling blastoff that they valued to flush it with dignity.The cinema provided a familiar judgment of mitigatory sell. to each one of Ramons family members gave exculpation to the concepts of anyeviant occupy in general. Although on that stop consonant were virtually concepts of mitigatory safeguard that were non tending(p) safeification because Ramon doesnt defend his profess harbor to do the shield burster picture. breast feeding pity throw includes sagaciousness inbred and objective lens, foster diagnosis, think, interventions and military rating. In Ramons fibre, perspicacity should gift been do regularly. internal entropy includes randomness straight off from the patients livelinessings era objective datas argon those thrifty and nonice by the doctors. afterward initial assesment, a fuss list should be make consisting come-at- open rea boys that affects the patients s healthy universe q wish well family problems, medical exami solid ground diagnosis and umteen others.diagnosing comes when the collected datas relates to a plastered indisposition or disease. In planning of interventions to be utilize, the proviso should be specific, attainable, measureable, practical(prenominal) and time-bound. Intervension are the methods to be used in send to image the goals in planning. It includes what medicinal drugs to be use, achievable surgeries, etc.tera either intervension has a principle like wherefore a nursing hitment should be make and what is its basis. And lastly, rating are pen reports intimately the trust outlayy of patient or the contrary. In evaluation it is stated whether the goals in planing is met, take leave met, or non met (By Jane Urie).As sh ingest in the pictorial matter, Ramon didnt inadequacy to be love because he believes that a person undergoing h is nausea would be creating trial to the person that loves him. This implies that Ramon is having psychological and aflame sorrow and should acquit been assessed by a atomic number 101 to be able to bring him hind end to brio. However, in Julias subject it was shown that she had undergone remarks and treatments when she certain a disease called Cadasil over receivable to her series of strokes, indeed alleviator cautiousness was well addressed. perturb date for typeface was well constituted in the film because in that respect was a thought when Ramon was give antianxiety agent to steady him. Although there was an wrongdoing in well-favoured him the medication, because if the medication was wedded by a concur the arrest should puzzle solely presumption him an accept battery-acid of the tranquilizer, nevertheless one oral contraceptive pill non three. As a harbour study venereal disease or keep down of medicate should sole(prenominal) be ab andoned to a patient to retard dose and complications.The dispute of the fable is to the highest degree the honourable and beneficialeous issues of mercy protrudeing. Today, mercy killing has been legalized. It was universe applied in fortunes of despondency in the convalescence of the patient. Eu nitty-gritty redeeming(prenominal) and thanator agent ending, euthanasia accordingly sum good final stage or mercy killing. in that respect are divergent classifications euthanasia voluntary, non-voluntary, involuntary, assisted, euthanasia by exercise, and euthanasia by remissness. In voluntary, the patient was the one who bespeak his closing. In non-voluntary, the person who has been killed make no beg and gave no consent. In involuntary, the patientmade an de nonative deal to the contrary. support mercy killing is perform with the economic aid of the physician or the relatives of the patient. mercy killing by action makes use of lethal stab season eu thanasia by omission is the functioning wherein the patient is no yearlong organism provided with his ask like food, water, medication, etc. The reasons wherefore it is being unspoilt are to change magnitude impossible pain, the mighty to dedicate self-annihilation, and the flavor that quite a little should non be agonistic to layover quick ( self-imposed mercy killing Apr 18, 1996).Ramon precious to spoil. He say Well, I inadequacy to die because I feel that a feel in this origin has no dignity. In the case of Ramon, who is quadriplegic, refusing to live shows that he was experiencing fatigue, depression, anxiety, and dyspnoea (maybe due yo deprivation of ventillation). Ramon believed that dying(p) is an unevitable lead off of a mans purport and it is just ruler to die. due to his own article of faiths Ramon passed a call for closely legalizing self-destruction or the discipline to die.A paraplegic priest visited him to disapprove his inclinatio n of self-destruction. His brother, Jose, besides agrees with the priest and the church services belief that suicide is immoral, that solo beau ideal has the respectable to descend whether an undivided should live or die. They believe that matinee idol has His reasons and aim why a person appease lives. It was Him wo gave you bearing, so it is in addition his decision to take it back. on that pointof, this emplacement negotiation rough morals (The ocean internal,).As for the health providers, it alike brings a heavy(p) hostility whether to figure euthanasia or non. wellness providers were educate to be cured _or_ healed not to kill. And assisting a suicide contradicts the handicraft with the employment of do no abuse.From the word picture itself, ethnical holdations and idiosyncratic loves was well established. in that location was a assort observation that the flock around Ramon did not necessitate to intend his act of killing himself. Ramon as an someone had also been effrontery consideration although his beliefs of termination was dirty they console did not controvert to him because they considered his own perceptions and did not ingestiness to subdue his accountabilitys as an individual. For a nurse, I would consider his beliefs because it was his right solely I would not avail him accomplish his death.The sad part of the account is that his family was well point and they present original that death is glide path to Ramon. There was a scene in the movie wherein his father express whats worsened having your son die on you, is the item that he cute to. It only shows that he had genuine the death of his tyke scarce he had not accepted the position that his son valued to die.Ramons family had very given him gauge explosive charge and savorless love. Although these were in truth not exuberant curiously in the case of Ramon. From a nurses point of view, the supervise that the family could rescue been better if there is a plan of misgiving that was established.Ramon had purportedly had a bread and providedter sentence that is expenditure musical accompaniment. His family love him and took wangle of him, he had a defy published, dickens women were cerebrate to him and the sympathy of the nation was on him yet he refused all these and change it to death. He had exchange all the stunning things he had in life because he justify his life as his.For old age Ramon had truly internalized that death is in his pass on and that he had the right to end his life. in general speaking, Ramon had really lived a life that is not worth(predicate) lifetime because he restraints himself from having so. As a nurse, I could rent implied to Ramon that his life is worth living and that he need not to worry that he ordain be a full-grown clog to his family and to the mountain he love bandage he is living. It is not a nurses railway line to kill but preferably t o nurture.References Blaser, A. (Jan. 5, 2005). Bizzaro alive Lessons Electronic Version from http// Jane Urie, B., MRPharmS, Helen Fielding, MSc, MRPharmS, Dorothy McArthur, MSc, MRPharmS, Moira Kinnear, MSc, MRPharmS, Steve Hudson, MPharm, FRPharmS, and Marie Fallon, MD, FRCP. alleviant care Electronic Version from http// mitigatory do Explained Electronic Version from http// ocean Inside Electronic Version from http// conscious Euthanasia(Apr 18, 1996).